
主演:松下奈緒 竹下景子 蟹江敬三 井川遥 瀬戸康史 原田泰造  

导演:渡邊良雄 编剧:向田邦子(原著)/篠﨑絵里子




Plot Summary:In Tokyo in the 80s, before the Big Bubble: Momoko is the second oldest daughter of four siblings in the Mitamura family. After her father Tadashi Mitamura is laid off from work and suddenly disappears, the sensitive Momoko feels most responsible to fill his place. But the family starts to break apart, when their problems outgrow. Mother Ayano deals with her disappointment, oldest sister Sakura Shimizu is troubled by her husband's infidelity and the youngest, brother Kentaro faces a difficult job hunt and begins questioning his own life.
《胡桃屋》故事舞台设在泡沫经济还未崩溃的80年代的东京。故事梗概:三田村一家住在东京,爸爸(蟹江获敬三 饰)被公司解雇后人间蒸发,妈妈(竹下景子 饰)过着非常不快乐的生活,姐姐(井川遥 饰)正为丈夫的出轨问题烦恼不已,妹妹(臼田朝美 饰)以嫁给有钱人飞上枝头作凤凰为人生目标,弟弟(濑户康史 饰)找工作找得很不顺利,面对这样各自怀抱着烦恼的一家人,作为二女儿的桃子(松下奈绪 饰)虽然笨拙,但为了守护家人她不断奋斗、认真地生活着……
