Plot Summary:"Sakarya Firat" is a TV show that depicts the lives of the Turkish Gendarmerie Commandos and Soldiers, whom are assigned to the Southeastern frontier of Turkey. Here the soldiers struggle with their duties as soldiers and who they are in their personal lives, while being under constant threat of the Kurdish terrorist organization PKK (Kurdish Workers Party) attack. The show looks at the long Turkish-Kurdish conflict from the eyes of the low-ranked Turkish soldiers whom are from all around the country and different ethnicities (such as Turks, Kurds, Lazs, and etc.). At the same time it looks into the lives of Turkish and Kurdish families from both sides of the conflict.
在军营,军事专家Osman Kanat是最好的方式开展志愿工作,他选择了一个辉煌的士兵。他也是最困难的环境下研究战争谋略。Devresi Cemil放心的去作战计划,但成功操作的结果,在一个成功的组织戏弄不好。 Osman Kanat和Cemil长老村后的网络操作?在房子里避难。遇到奥斯曼共度后,他们被遗忘的男人与爱,而这里很长一段时间,Mürsel网络管理?的女儿尼汉的眼睛。