

主演:潘宥樽 谢沛恩 关勇 张琴 汪建民 范瑞君 胡玮杰 马志翔 

导演:王小棣 编剧:王小棣





Plot Summary:New Year's Eve, 16-year-old boy fell in love with a girl who half a head taller than him, he was determined to be desperate and want in the coming year is 10 cm long to pull her hand. This seems simple wish affects the entire family, divorced father, mother, grandparents each side to help him seek medical attention, and asked the Buddha, to find secret; a relative accused personally. After a day the amount of that dream of one day after the height of a step back, but one day may not grow the fate of the force step before the finish this year's 365 steps, 16-year-old boy how to face their own and that hand is less than love? Hot-sensitive youth and family involved entanglement and date are used to measure height of the cold numbers continue to puncture, the interval; the world the joy of New Year's countdown, hip-hop Fight radiant, seems humorous plot and fiddled with adolescents struggling with arms stand up, that's like a boulder rolling down hill like a heavy fate.
新年前夕,16歲的男孩愛上了比他高半個頭的女生,   他下定決心要拚命運動,   希望在未來的一年長高10公分去牽她的手。   這個看來簡單的願望牽動了整個家庭,   離了婚的爸爸、媽媽、阿公阿媽一面各自幫他求醫、問佛,尋找秘方;   一面交相指責,新愁觸發舊怨…。      每天量完身高之後就覺得夢想一天一步後退,   可能長不高的命運卻一天一步逼前,   走完這一年的365步,   16歲的少年將如何面對自己和那伸手不及的愛情?      熾熱敏感的青春和牽扯糾纏的親情被用來度量身高和日期的冰冷數字不斷地穿刺、間隔;新年倒數全球同歡、街舞鬥陣熱力四射,看來輕鬆幽默的情節撥弄著少年奮力用雙臂頂住的,那有如山頂滾下之巨石般沈重的命運。
