
又名:Beat Kids


主演:森口貴大 相武纱季 市道信義 古河弘基 田中康平 杉浦太阳  

导演:盐屋俊 编剧:原田眞人





Plot Summary:Transfer student Eiji, is forced into playing the large drum in the school's brass band by Nanao, an outstanding musician, but obsessed with creating perfect sound. However, from the moment he picks up the drumsticks, the "beat" inside Eiji is awakened, and he soon becomes a captive of its sonic boom. Nanao too, is influenced by Eiji, particularly by his bright character and his natural kindness. Under Nanao's guidance, the brass band plays well in the local competition, but soon dissolves after Nanao comes into conflict with the band's teacher. Nanao, who had long been thinking about going to New York, pursues her dream and decides to go. Inspired by Nanao, Eiji forms his own band, as he keeps drumming and ride the music to live a life full of cheer.
大阪を舞台に、ドラムのビートに魅せられてゆく高校生の音楽への情熱を描いた青春ドラマ。幼いころから、だんじり祭りの太鼓を体感し続けていた主人公が、ブラスバンド、さらにはロックバンドにのめりこんでいく。そんな青春の風景を、風変わりな少女への淡い思い、仲間との友情をからめて展開させる。大阪出身で現役の高校生からなる新進バンド、HUNGRY DAYSが主演を務め、音楽に懸けた青春をリアルに、切なく好演。彼らの音楽はもちろん、だんじり祭りの再現もパワフルで熱気満点だ。転校先でブラスバンド部に入部させられた高校生エージ。バンドを率いる学ラン姿の不思議な女生徒ナナオとの出会いによって音楽に目覚めた彼は、やがてロックバンドに加入するが……。
