
又名:热血校园 / Yankî bokou ni kaeru

主演:竹野内丰 相叶雅纪 SAYAKA 永井大 加藤夏希 速水直道 

导演:今井夏木 三城真一 编剧:饭野阳子





Plot Summary:In 1988 Hokkaido's Hokusei Yoichi High School became the first high school in Japan to accept students who had previously dropped out of high school from nationwide. Hokkaido Broadcasting (HBC) has been covering this school for 15 years and aired a documentary last spring that caused a stir all over the country. Now TBS in cooperation with HBC will create a drama based on the school. The drama will follow a former gang member, dropout and graduate of the school who returns as a teacher. We will follow him as he helps graduating students out into the world. The teachers and students will, as you would expect, confront all the issues of youth and society today. At this school, there are no compromises, no lies. This drama will move you as both students and teachers face a variety of issues head on. This is a moving story that is created by people coming together and learning to believe in each other.
故事发生在风景如画的北海道小镇之上,在那里,有一所名为“余市高中”的学校,这所表面上看来十分普通的学校,却因为专门收留高中半途辍学的不良学生而有着不小的“名气”,因为聚集的都是不良少年,所以在校园中,时常上演着一幕幕惊险刺激的“动作场面”。吉森真也(竹野内丰 饰)曾经是 作所学校的毕业生,如今,已经长大成人的他回到了这里,摇身一变成为了教师。   在来的路上,脾气火爆的真也曾经和一个小混混模样的男生发生了争执,双方闹得很不愉快,而在开学典礼上,真也才知道,原来这个男生不是别人,正是自己的学生菅野彻(市原隼人 饰)。出师不利的真也能够顺利征服班上这些如同野马一般的叛逆学生吗?
