Plot Summary:In 1845 London, the Barrett family is ruled with an iron fist by its stern widowed patriarch, Edward Moulton-Barrett. His nine grown children are afraid of him more than they love him. One of his rules is that none of his children are allowed to marry, which does not sit well with youngest daughter Henrietta as she loves and wants to marry Captain Surtees Cook. Of the nine, the one exception is his daughter Elizabeth, who abides faithfully to her father's wishes. Elizabeth does not think too much about the non-marriage rule as she has an unknown chronic illness which has kept her bedridden. She feels her life will not be a long one. With her time, she writes poetry, which she shares by correspondence with another young poet, Robert Browning. Elizabeth's outlook on her life changes when she meets Mr. Browning for the first time, he who has fallen in love with her without even having met her. She, in return, falls in love with him after their meeting. With Mr. Browning's love and support, Elizabeth tries to get well and enjoy life, this all against the thoughts of her father, who physically and emotionally traps Elizabeth and by association all of his children, all in the name of protecting her and them in the name of God.
本电影讲述了英国著名诗人勃朗宁夫人与其丈夫相遇相恋的故事。伊丽莎白·巴雷特(瑙玛·希拉饰)由于腿疾一直被困在自己的房间中,父亲的严厉与病痛的折磨让她对生活失去兴趣,只希望自己早日步入死神的怀抱。某日,一直与她书信来往的年轻诗人罗伯特·勃朗宁(弗雷德里克·马奇)突然登门拜 访,二人一见如故,迅速对双方产生极大好感,伊丽莎白也因此重燃生的希望,她的腿疾开始渐渐好转,最后终于能够自由行走,她与罗伯特的感情也日益浓厚,可就当一切都朝好的方向发展的时候,伊丽莎白的父亲开始介入其中横加阻拦,并告知伊丽莎白她一辈子也不能离开这个家。