Plot Summary:In her middle years Maria, actress and mother of two-year-old Simon, receives some terrible news. She has ALS, an incurable fatal disease. Despite everything Maria doesn't give up. Her pursuit of a miracle leads to despair but also an unexpected encounter with love.
玛利亚是一位女演员,同时也是两岁小孩西蒙的母亲。在她中年阶段得知了一个糟糕的消息——她患上了肌萎缩性侧索硬化症,一种不治之症。不管怎么样,玛丽亚不想放弃。她追求着奇迹,尽管最终还是绝望,却也意想不到地偶遇了爱情。 In her middle years Maria, actress and mother of two-year-old Simon, receives some terrible news. She has ALS, an incurable fatal disease. Despite everything Maria doesn't give up. Her pursuit of a miracle leads to despair but also an unexpected encounter with love.