
又名:Umi no Ue no Shinryojo / Clinic on the Sea

主演:松田翔太 武井咲 藤原纪香 福士苍汰 荒川良良 土屋佑壹  

导演:中江功 谷村政樹 高野舞 编剧:徳永友一




Plot Summary:Popular Japanese actor, Matsuda Shota (Boys Over Flowers), stars in this picturesque and unique medical drama about a traveling doctor who can't seem to separate business from pleasure. A genius in his field, Sezaki Kota's strengths are undermined by his character flaws, namely his tendency to fall in love instantly with beautiful women. Keeping him in line is Nurse Togami Mako (Takei Emi), a former delinquent now dedicated to helping the less fortunate. Will Kota find his bride-to-be waiting on an upcoming island, or could his true love be the woman he hasn't fallen for?
远离喧嚣的濑户内海,由于人口稀少和地处偏远等缘故,许多岛屿上没有任何医疗机构,当地人一旦患有疾病也得不到及时治疗。为了扭转这一局面,流动于各个小岛、为岛民们看病问诊的巡回诊疗船应运而生。经过长达半年的募集,诊疗船“海诊丸”终于迎来了青年医师濑崎航太(松田翔太 饰)。濑崎活泼轻浮,见到美女浑身发软,其言行令曾经当过不良少女的护士户神真子(武井咲 饰)极其反感。而他那不经意间流露出的医术和准确判断力,又让海诊丸的各位暗生倾佩。   船儿一路航行,每到一处小岛,航太总能第一时间锁定当地最漂亮的女子。对他来说,最好的归宿就是与美女成家,结束海诊丸的漂流生活。遗憾而搞笑的是,他的美梦似乎永远无法实现……
