植物园Le jardin des plantes(1994)


主演:Claude Rich Salomé Stévenin 

导演:Philippe de Broca 





Plot Summary:In Paris, near the end of World War II, crotchety professor Fernand Bonnard maintains a zoo and continues his research. He's a coward, as is his debonair son, Armand, who has one daughter, Philippine. On her eighth birthday, Armand picks her up from her repressive boarding school and takes her to Fernand's to celebrate. Father and son quarrel, and Armand leaves, only to be arrested and shot for violating curfew. In grief, the curmudgeonly Fernand does not tell Philippine, but invents a life for Armand as a captain of the Resistance. Fernand takes her from school to live with him and his sensible wife. Along the way, Philippine finds out the truth and Fernand discovers courage.
在二战即将结束的时候,动物园的教授的孙女和儿子来做客。教授因为懦弱而自责,并于儿子发生了争吵。儿子一气之下开车走了,随即被德国人拦截,因为走私火腿和抵抗运动的人一起被枪毙了。   教授把孙女留在了身边,并且谎称儿子也是抵抗运动,在外省作战……   在爷孙的日常交往中,教授逐渐找到了勇气,小女孩儿也渐渐明白了父亲的秘密。。。
