秘密间谍The Secret Agent(1996)

又名:密使 / 生死谍战 / Joseph Conrad's The Secret Agent


主演:鲍勃·霍斯金斯 帕特丽夏·阿奎特 热拉尔·德帕迪约 克里斯蒂 

导演:克里斯托弗·汉普顿 编剧:克里斯托弗·汉普顿 Christopher Hampton/Joseph Conrad




日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 The.Secret.Agent.1996.DVDR_768x576.Chs.srt
2021-05-21 The.Secret.Agent.1996.DVDR_768x576.Cht.srt
2021-05-21 The.Secret.Agent.1996.DVDR_768x576.Eng.srt
2019-05-12 The.Secret.Agent.1996.DVDR_768x576.Chs.srt
2019-05-12 The.Secret.Agent.1996.DVDR_768x576.Cht.srt
2019-05-12 The.Secret.Agent.1996.DVDR_768x576.Eng.srt


Plot Summary:London of the late 19th century is a haven for political exiles of all sorts - refugees, partisans, anarchists. Verloc has made his living spying for the Russian government, an agent provocateur of sorts, while simultaneously providing information to the London police, specifically Chief Inspector Heat. When the new Russian ambassador demands he prove his worth or lose his salary, Verloc sets off a tragic chain of events that involves his pretty young wife Winnie, her intellectually disabled brother Stevie, and a figure called the Professor, whose fascination with explosives and destruction makes him the person to call on when Verloc needs a bomb.
