Plot Summary:The Doctor and his traveling companions, Jamie and Victoria, arrive on a planet where an archaeological expedition led by Professor Parry is searching for the home of the long-extinct Cybermen. Parry believes they have found the Cybermen's home, the city of Telos. The Doctor finds a way to get them inside the complex and the group splits up to explore what they've found. It's clear that at least one member of the party is up to no good. It all leads to death for one of them.
帕特里克·特罗,阿妮蔻·威尔斯,迈克尔·克雷兹,Michael E. Briant,Nicholas Briggs,Pamela Ann Davy,Derek Dodd,Peter Hawkins,Nicholas Hawtrey,Robert James,Richard Kane,Edward Kelsey,Charles Norton,Steven Scott