Eine Liebe in Afrika(2005)


主演:海纳·劳特尔巴赫 汉内洛勒·埃尔斯纳 朱莉亚·斯坦伯格 莫妮 

导演:克萨韦·施瓦岑贝格尔 编剧:Gabriela Sperl

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Eine Liebe in Afrika:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:After ten years, Stefan returns to his native South Africa for his father's 70th birthday and he wants to introduce his fiancée Miriam to him. During the birthday celebrations Miriam meets Jo, Stefan's old friend. Through Jo and his work as an Anglican bishop in the townships of Cape Town, she gets to know South Africa from a side that would have remained closed to her as a tourist. They feel more and more attracted to each other. When Stefan is injured in a robbery just before the planned return trip to Germany, so that he remains confined to the wheelchair, he asks Jo to take care of her. In a land that is strange and frightening to her, she torn between feelings between the two men, between the responsibility towards Stefan, her love for him, and the growing affection for Jo.
