Plot Summary:6 years old Milda's parents have emigrated. One day, a strange woman convinces the girl that her parents have been kidnapped by the very Queen of England. The girl decides to head for the biggest rescue mission of her life.
6岁的米尔达与姨妈住在一起。其他孩子都叫她“孤儿”,因为她的父母已经移民两年。一天一个戴着红帽子的女士告诉米尔达,她的父母再也不能回来了,因为他们被英国女王绑架了。小女孩决定展开人生中最重要的任务——自己去营救父母。 6 years old Milda's parents have emigrated. One day, a strange woman convinces the girl that her parents have been kidnapped by the very Queen of England. The girl decides to head for the biggest rescue mission of her life.