Plot Summary:The Mailman decides to stop another deluge of letters by answering questions about the Easter Bunny: Sunny, a baby rabbit found and adopted by Kidville (a town of only kids--even a kid mailman). And when Sunny goes delivering eggs to the nearby town (which he has to dye to fool Gadzooks, the mean bear on the mountain), he discovers that there are no kids in the town, and that the rightful (kid) ruler is being suppressed by his aunt. But the young king likes Sunny's dyed eggs and jelly beans. So Kidsville, with the help of an old train engine, makes a few plans (and a decoy chocolate rabbit) to distribute them.
夏洛特·兰普林,菲利普·努瓦雷,彼得·乌斯蒂诺夫,弗雷德·阿斯泰尔,爱德华·艾伯特,艾格斯蒂娜·贝利,杰克·沃森,Mairin D. O'Sullivan,大卫·凯利,Niall Buggy,May Cluskey,Loan Do Huu,Brendon Doyle,Michael Duffy,Derek Lord