Plot Summary:Sayoko is a junior college student whom everyone thinks is too aggressive: she gets fired from a boutique job for slapping around shoplifters, then fired from a gas station job for beating up a molester. One day she gets in a confrontation with Ami, a Korean living in Tokyo who constantly berates the Japanese for being too passive. By coincidence, Ami rescues Sayoko's little sister a few days later. Now that they've become grudging acquaintences, could they possibly become friends?
小夜子对平凡无聊的日常生活感到非常不满,一心想要寻找自我,以充满“Fighting Spirit斗阵精神”的生活态度向前迈进。就在小夜子19岁那年夏天,遇见了来自韩国的留学生亚美,两个文化背景完全不同的女孩,由冲突中激发出亮丽耀眼的火花!小夜子并从中渐渐了解何谓“坚强”,与自己未来的方向…… 这部戏描写的就是两位少女追寻梦想的故事,好看的原因一是不做无病呻吟,简单直接,过程失败没啥大不了,重新来过就得了;原因之二在这群新世代年轻人的价值观与肢体语言,不懂不看真的会落伍;另外还有深田恭子 VS 尹孙河的穿着打扮,类似台北美少女 VS 南台湾小姑娘,没有谁好谁坏的问题,反正都超有个性。