Plot Summary:Gwen is a teenager living in a small coastal town. Lise is her best friend, a city girl who comes every year with her family to spend the summer. This year things are different though; at first Lise might not come at all, and when she does it is obvious that Gwen grew up faster than she did.
姬文(伊希尔·勒·贝斯柯 Isild Le Besco 饰)和莉兹(Karen Alyx 饰)从小一起长大,是无话不谈的闺中密友,然而,姬文成长与海边小镇布列塔尼,而莉兹则生活在大都市巴黎,只有等到每年夏天,跟随父母去海边度假的莉兹才得以和姬文共度暑假,对于这珍贵的时光,两个女孩分外珍惜。 某日,莉兹的父亲不幸去世,无法排解心中的困惑和悲伤,莉兹独自前往布列塔尼寻找姬文。姬文的个性活泼又开朗,正直情窦初开的年龄的她对男孩充满了兴趣,懵懂的姬文并没有看透莉兹所遭遇的不测,而莉兹则对姬文的放荡和不理解深感失望,误会和隔阂渐渐地在两个女孩之间产生了。