迷情机密De Flat(1994)

又名:House Call / Departamento 512 / In einer heißen Nacht / Sokea intohimo / Appartement 512 / O enoikos tou 5ou orofou / Headwave / Segredos Escaldantes / Våningen

上映日期:1994-04-21(荷兰) / 1995-03-04(韩国) / 1995-06(德国)片长:105分钟

主演:芮妮·索滕代克 维克多·利昂 Hans Hoes Jaimy 

导演:Ben Verbong 编剧:让·范德维尔德 Jean van de Velde



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 迷情机密-荷兰语1080P.mkv
2019-05-12 迷情机密-荷兰语1080P.mkv



Plot Summary:Roos Hartman is a young doctor who lives with her son in a large apartment complex. When a fellow tenant is brutally murdered, the police and Hartman's friends suspect her mysterious neighbour, Eric Coenen. As she becomes romantically involved with Coenen, she doubts he would commit such a crime, but soon she begins to investigate the case further and discovers some startling facts relating to his involvement...
萝丝是一名年轻美貌的医生,和儿子大卫住在一幢海边的公寓里,因为她和丈夫波·杰克分居。   某日,她儿子的保姆突遭人杀害,警方经调查后认为住在同一公寓的男子柯·艾利极为可疑,因为艾利之妻年前才不明不白地死亡,但萝丝却认为艾利是无辜的,经由此一事件后发现彼此吸引着对方,关系逐渐亲密起来......
