德州巡警 第九季Walker, Texas Ranger(2000)

又名:得克萨斯巡警沃尔克 第九季

主演:查克·诺瑞斯 小克拉伦斯·吉尔亚德 希瑞·J.威尔森 贾德森 

导演:迈克尔·普里斯 编剧:艾伯特·S·拉迪 Albert S. Ruddy/Leslie Greif

德州巡警 第九季:在线播放

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德州巡警 第九季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The Rangers stop a baby kidnapping ring that sells the infants to parents desperate for a baby. Also, a property owner wants his tenants out of the apartment building, so he plants a bomb with the people inside.
