Plot Summary:Many years after the death of his wife, a bereft Musician (Johnny Derek) returns home and finds his Daughter (Bliss) on his doorstep, desperate to provide care for her little girl. But when Bliss confronts him about his destructive ways, Johnny must learn the value of family before Bliss dies of cancer and loses her daughter to foster care.
Many years after the death of his wife, a bereft Musician (Johnny Derek) returns home and finds his Daughter (Bliss) on his doorstep, desperate to provide care for her little girl. But when Bliss confronts him about his destructive ways, Johnny must learn the value of family before Bliss dies of cancer and loses her daughter to foster care.
埃里克·罗伯茨,Jane Rowen,迈克尔·盖曾,Joel Clark Ackerman,Evan Carver,Elise Zell,阿德里安·布斯塔曼特,SungWon Cho,Tom Dusenbery,Mark Christiansen,乔斯·罗赛特,Elizabeth Saydah,Brittany Morgan Williams