Lyubov na dva polyusa(2012)

又名:Любовь на два полюса


主演:Lina Budnik Vladimir Epifantse 

导演:Roman Barabash 编剧:Leonora Pashenko/Elena Zueva

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Lyubov na dva polyusa:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Veronika, the heroine of our story, is married to Viktor Arzaus, an investigator at the Prosecutor's Office. To the outside world, the couple appear to be happy, however, Veronika knows that her 7-year marriage is a sham. She doesn't love her husband, and when a chance meeting with Kirill Filin whose illegal activities are being investigated by Viktor, awakens her passion, Veronika is forced to choose between listening to the voice of reason and following her heart.
