Plot Summary:Life for Dee Stanton is improving at every turn. Her legal career is blossoming and her boyfriend Dominic unexpectedly proposes to her. Things were very different 11 years ago when her husband Paul was jailed for the brutal murders of four girls and Dee was hounded from her home. Dee has kept all this a secret from her 15-year-old son Jamie. Now he has discovered the truth about his father and demands to see him.
Dee Stanton 的生活在不停的改善。她的法律事业正在进展,她的男朋友出乎意料的向她求婚。但是11年前的事有很大不同,她的丈夫保罗因残杀四名女孩而入狱,Dee 也在家中被不断骚扰。Dee 对15岁的儿子 Jamie 保守了这一秘密。现在 Jamie 发现了关于他父亲的真相,并且要求见他的父亲