同一场战争Одна война(2009)

又名:Odna voyna / One War


主演:Александр Балуев Наталья Кудря 

导演:Vera Glagoleva 编剧:Вера Глаголева





Plot Summary:May, 8, 1945. Maxim Prokhorov, major of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, arrives at a small northern island. There live eleven people: five young women, five children from one to three years, and the captain Karp Nichiporuk. The young mothers were exiled to the island from the territories occupied by fascists, and their children are the children of the German occupieer. Arrival of the major upsets the casual life on the island. The major has to "clean up" the island and the nearest settlements. The military man authorizes a plan to organize a training camp in the region for saboteurs. The night of May, 9, the women ar told about the German capitulation, their hopes for forgiveness and return home become a certainty. They are even allowed to celebrate the Victory.
“我愿意相信,他们都活了下来”俄影迷评第14届索菲亚电影节最佳影片《同一场战争/ОДНА ВОЙНА》One War.影片通过女人与她们同法西斯占领者所生的孩子表现战争之残酷.女导演薇拉·格拉戈列娃:我们罕有提起战争年代的事,必须高声喊出!《同一场战争》展示了二战史上不为人知的一页.少校马克西姆来到北方的小岛建战俘劳改营,岛上的女人是被流放至此的.当她们得知德国投降的消息时,高兴地盼望着回家,却不知明晨等待她们的是什么!
