白宫之旅Tour of the White House(1962)

主演:杰奎琳·肯尼迪 约翰·肯尼迪 Charles Colling 






Plot Summary:Mrs. Kennedy provided a masterful, authoritative, knowledgeable tour of the various historical artifiacts furnishing 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, "the people's house", its interior design and her well-received renovation efforts of the White House, all the while amidst an aura of elegance by the First Lady hard not not to be captured by while viewing the tour.
In 1962, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy took America on a televised "Tour Of The White House". Mrs. Kennedy's "tour" is fascinating and is made all the more engaging because of the charming tour guide. Seen on all three networks, the tour and its charming guide were a big success, fueling the craze for Jackie-style suits and pillbox hats.
