Mississippi Hare(1949)

主演:Mel Blanc 

导演:Chuck Jones 

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Mississippi Hare:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Bugs accidentally stows away on a riverboat. After evading the ticket taker, he takes on gambler Colonel Shuffle. Bugs easily takes all his money, by out-cheating him at poker (he beats Shuffles 5 aces with 6). Shuffle challenges him to a duel, which of course Bugs thwarts. He treats Shuffle to a cigar, and after the inevitable explosion and blackface, does a quick dance to Camptown Races and escorts Shuffle into the Mississippi. Bugs sends Shuffle into the river again with a fake staging of Uncle Tom's Cabinet. Shuffle is dispatched once more up the ship's smokestack. Finally, Bugs in drag enlists the help of another Southern gentleman.
优美的旋律随风飘来,久久回荡在密西西比河的上空。在河岸边的棉花田里,农奴们边唱歌便采摘棉花,他们太用心工作了,没留神将住在附近的兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)卷入棉花堆。还没等这只兔子回过神来,他就被装入蒸气轮船中。还没搞清状况的兔八哥探出头来,四下张望,发现船员正在查票。为了防止被对方扔下去,他乔装打扮一番,变成了身份高贵的绅士,总算成功混过这关。接下来他在甲板上四处周游,结果赌场内突然传来了枪声和叫喊声,那是坏脾气的搅乱上校,一旦输了赌局就开枪耍赖,把所有的客人都吓得落荒而逃。   兔八哥当然不吃一套,他决心好好耍耍这个疯子……
