我的姐姐玛利亚Meine Schwester Maria(2002)

又名:My Sister Maria


主演:Maria Schell 马克西米连·谢尔 Gerhard  

导演:Maximilian Schell 编剧:Maximilian Schell/Natalya Andreychenko/Gero von Boehm





Plot Summary:Maria Schell: a glamorous name, a dream career, a tragic fate. Her career represents a fascinating chapter in German and international film history with compelling episodes and encounters with famous artist colleagues. Memories of global successes become faint: DIE RATTEN (THE RATS), WEISSE NÄCHTE (WHITE NIGHTS), DIE BRÜDER KARAMASOW (THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV). And then later the all too familiar pattern: The difficulties when a star used to success is forced to find a new role, when offers fail to materialize and the public's interest wanes; how does that often sought euphemism go: «with her [...] things have been somewhat quieter recently». Then the breakdown in her private life, calls for help, alarm signals. «The first death»: that's what Maria Schell calls her act of desperation from 1991. MY SISTER MARIA is meant to take inspiration from his famous Oscar-nominated documentary film MARLENE. A remarkable portrait of Marlene Dietrich, who allowed him to interview her with audio tape ...
奥斯卡影帝Maximilian Schell为其姐姐Maria Schell(戛纳影后+威尼斯影后)拍摄的纪录片。
