西洋古董洋果子店西洋骨董洋菓子店 ~アンティーク~(2008)

又名:西洋骨董洋菓子店~Antique~ / せいようこっとうようがしてん 〜アンティーク〜

主演:藤原启治 三木真一郎 宫野真守 花轮英司 

导演:奥村吉昭 编剧:吉永史 Fumi Yoshinaga/高桥奈都子 Natsuko Takahashi





Plot Summary:A high school crush, a world-class pastry chef, a former middle-weight boxing champion - and a whole lot of cake! Ono has come a long way since the agonizing day in high school when he confessed his love to handsome Tachibana. Now, some 14 years later Ono, a world-class pastry chef and gay playboy has it all. No man can resist Ono's charms (or his cooking skills!) but he has just found a new position under a man named Tachibana. Can this be the only man who resisted his charms, and if so, will the man who once snubbed the "magically gay" Ono get his just deserts? And how in the heck did a former middleweight boxing champion wind up as Ono's cake boy?
由于眼部受伤,前轻量级拳王神田英司(宫野守真 配音)即将永远的告别他所热爱的拳击事业,于此同时一去不复返的,是英司对生活的热情和不懈的奋斗。一次偶然中,英司来到了一间名为“西洋古董”的西式糕点店,被香甜美味的糕点治愈的英司当即决定,要在这里学习,成为一个合格的糕点师。   在店中,英司结识了各路有趣的人等。平时敦厚老实,但一到夜晚就会变身为“魔性的同性恋”的小野裕介(三木真一郎 配音);身为糕点店的所有人却非常讨厌吃甜食的橘圭一郎(藤原启治 配音);橘的忠犬守护者,患有女性恐惧症的小早川千影(花轮英司 配音),这些表面上大大咧咧的作者们,在英司看不见的过去中,其实都藏有着悲伤晦暗的回忆。
