Plot Summary:A bevy of top fighters all fighting to rule the martial world and use the rarest styles ever put on screen. Master Ko, is in possession of a very special sword. A sword that can cut through anything and becomes invisible, it, therefore can easily trick and defeat the enemy. Many people are after this sword. One day, the master gets killed and the sword is stolen.
余劍英及師妹陳紫雲的師父被殺, 太極神火彈被盜, 二人分頭追尋仇人. 英在路上遇張小蘭被王少雄欺侮, 仗義解圍, 並答應垂死的蘭父照顧蘭. 及後, 雄父飛豹得悉兒子不肖, 向英陪罪, 並向好友馮一虎推薦英當馮家教頭. 蘭傾慕英, 可是見英寄居馮家, 以為他貪圖富貴, 於是不辭而別. 蘭在路上偶遇雲, 輾轉間, 始知英、雲底蘊, 並結識朝廷官員方子俊. 四人懷疑馮作不法勾當, 合力調查, 發現南天一虎才是始作俑者, 兩虎勾結謀反, 英等遂合力剷除敗類。