

主演:近衛はな 前田倫良 目黒祐樹 赤座美代子 

导演:石原興 编剧:松下隆一/水野青洞





Plot Summary:Set in 1854, Torajiro attempts to flee to America, but fails. He is then jailed at a prison located in the mountains, which is owned by the Choshu Hagi family. In prison, Torajiro meets Hisashi, who is in prison for communicating with the lower class. Torajiro and Hisashi get to know each other in the notorious prison that no one has ever gotten out of alive. Ishihara's film, based on a novel by Yamaguchi-born author Kaoru Furukawa, captures Shoin's historical struggle with actor Michiyoshi Maeda who already tackled similar territory when he played one of the Chosyu Five, five young men who traveled to Great Britian in 1853, in Sho Igarashi's 2006 film of the same name. It definitely looks like Ishihara is playing up the romantic subplot between Shoin and a lower caste love interest played by actress Hana Konoe.
安政元年(1854年),世界正处在一个剧烈动荡的变革时期,置身一隅、闭关锁国的日本也无法避免。日后以吉田松阴这个名字闻名的寅次郎(前田倫良 饰)密谋登上美国船偷渡,结果计划失败被投入位于长州专门关押武士的野山狱。这里虽然能够自由活动,但气氛依旧肃杀压抑。原有的囚徒们冰冷淡漠,丝毫不理睬寅次郎的热情。在这里,他邂逅了美丽女子阿久(近衛はな 饰)。阿久曾是一名武士的妻子,丈夫去世后,她因经常邀请身份地位的琴师来家中演奏而背上不贞的罪名。一段奇妙的缘分就此展开……   本片根据直木奖作家古川薫的原作《野山獄相聞抄》改编。
