Il pentito(1985)

又名:The Repenter


主演:弗兰科·内罗 托尼·穆萨蒂 埃里克·埃斯特拉德 马克斯·冯· 

导演:帕斯夸莱·斯奎蒂耶里 编剧:Orazio Barrese/Mario Cecchi Gori/Lino Iannuzzi/Franco Marotta/帕斯夸莱·斯奎蒂耶里 Pasquale Squitieri/劳拉·托斯卡诺 Laura Toscano

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Il pentito:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A judge (based on real life judge Giovanni Falcone) on crusade to take down the Italian Mafia uses a gangster turned state's witness (a so-called "repenter") and a New York banker to do it. But things aren't quite what they seem.
