Plot Summary:WWII morale film for Texas A&M graduates fighting overseas. Young Brad Craig (Langton) enters the military school with a chip on his shoulder which Mitchum and other upperclassmen quickly knock off. Once adjusted, Craig falls in love with a professor's beautiful daughter, only to find she is in love with his roommate, played by Noah Beery. In the meantime, Craig associates with Japanese spies (including William Frawley of "I Love Lucy") bent on stealing a secret chemical compound being worked on a the University. But is he one of them, or a double agent for his country?
Megumi Ageishi,Mennell Alkhawaja,Courtney Bandeko,Jordan Borges,彼得·克拉夫,Clayton Cook,Geryh 'Hurricane' Curtis,Stefanie Estes,Monique Marie Gelineau,Amelia M. Gotham,David Gunther,Kanshichi Hiro,Eiji Inoue,John Klopping,Eiji Leon Lee