Plot Summary:Having taken the blame for an accident beyond his control, pilot Mike Hogan has been on administrative leave indefinitely; however when the airline is desperately short of staff, he is offered to be first officer and accepts, without enthusiasm, received with disdain by the well-connected commander. Surprisingly his come-back proves less then routine, as the captain gets knocked out and a collision as well as a murderer being transported by police require courageous action from Mike, his crew and several passengers, including soccer star Ty Conner.
埃里克·罗伯茨,Jane Rowen,迈克尔·盖曾,Joel Clark Ackerman,Evan Carver,Elise Zell,阿德里安·布斯塔曼特,SungWon Cho,Tom Dusenbery,Mark Christiansen,乔斯·罗赛特,Elizabeth Saydah,Brittany Morgan Williams