Plot Summary:The nightmare of Émile Cohl's chalk animation is one of unreliable appearances. Fishermen catch fish which eat them whole. Ladders transform into coils which just as suddenly take the form of angry mustachioed soldiers. The human figure at the receiving end of these transmogrifications is subject to all manner of degradations. Genuinely unsettling, THE PUPPET'S NIGHTMARE anticipates Don Hertzfeldt's stick-figure fantasias by a century.
已是深夜,万籁俱寂,四周一片黑暗,唯有墙上的挂钟还在嘀嘀哒哒作响,有如一个不知疲倦的旅者。小木偶早已进入梦乡,熟睡正酣。这时,挂钟突然化身为大木偶,他吵醒小木偶,抢走了他的被子和枕头,更将小木偶虏到了窗外。小木偶哀叫连连,撞在了巡逻士兵的岗亭上,继而又经历了一连串的神秘冒险。这注定是一个吊诡的不眠之夜…… 1908年,埃米尔·科尔(Emile Cohl)制作了动画短片《幻想集》,该片被公认为第一部全动画制作的影片,短短两分钟所需原稿约700张。在此之后,埃米尔又制作了与《幻想集》风格类似的《木偶的噩梦》(Le Cauchemar du fantoche)和《木偶家里的话剧》(Un Drame chez les fantoches)。剧本和动画制作均由埃米尔一人完成。