
又名:The Dream of an Opium Fiend



导演:Georges Méliès 





Plot Summary:The opium fiend is seen in a den, puffing on this terrible narcotic. He then falls fast asleep and dreams that he is at home with his wife. He asks for something to drink and he is given wine, which he does not care for, and he is finally given some bottled beer and a glass, but he complains that the glass is too small and he gets a very large sized glass receptacle, into which his wife and maid servant pour the contents of the bottle. As he is about to drink the glass passes from his hand mysteriously, sailing through the room and out of the window to the moon, which drinks the beer and the empty glass is returned to its owner by Diana, who rides below on her crescent moon. The opium fiend tries many times to embrace her, but she always disappears from her original position; and once, when he almost gets her, she has changed into a most ugly creature. He hurls at this hideous transformation everything within his reach. The scene then changes, showing the fiend, awake, throwing the different things at the Chinaman attendant of the opium den.
一位绅士在中国仆人(Georges Méliès 乔治•梅里爱 饰)的百般劝说下,终于决定抽一口鸦片。强大的烟劲儿让绅士睡意渐浓,坠入梦乡。偷得半日闲的仆人计策得逞,欢天喜地地跑开了。   梦中,绅士被妻子叫醒吃午餐,然而啤酒喝到嘴里却怎么也不是味。他拿出大号扎啤杯,让妻子和女仆将被子倒满。正要喝的工夫,挂在墙上的月中仙子竟突然活动起来,用法术将啤酒变到自己手中,一饮而尽。随后仙子从画中翩翩走下,美坏了色迷迷的绅士,他使出浑身解数接近仙子,却没想到受到了妖怪的戏弄……
