Fatty's Chance Acquaintance(1915)


主演:Fatty Arbuckle Billie Bennett  

导演:Fatty Arbuckle 

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日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Fattys Chance Acquaintance.Fattys.Chance.Acquainta

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Fatty's Chance Acquaintance:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:'Fatty' and his bossy, stingy wife are visiting the park at the same time that another couple is there. When his wife refuses to buy him a soft drink, Fatty walks over to a drinking fountain. Meanwhile, the other man, who is a purse snatcher, has targeted Fatty's wife as his next victim. Fatty notices the purse snatcher's pretty companion sitting on a bench by herself, and begins to flirt with her even as the purse snatcher is trying to evade a policeman who has spotted him at work.
