
又名:公视人生剧展:公主与王子 / Finding Anthony


主演:黄河 纪培慧 欧阳靖 陆弈静 高英轩 陈彦达 冯光远 

导演:朱家麟 编剧:蔡怡芬 Yifen Tsai/朱家麟 Ga-Lun Jue





Plot Summary:Innocent and introverted Ann is misunderstood by her mother, schoolmates and society. The one person she could count on was her father, who greatly cherished Ann and accepted her for who she is. But after the death of her father, Ann drowns herself in comics and romantic dramas. On the other hand, Ann's mother feels disgusted and trapped after being left with the store her husband used to run and seeks a new beginning, all while neglecting Ann's state of mind. This contributes to Ann's loneliness and strong desire for love. These feelings inadvertently lead Ann to a dating site to find her Prince Charming, 'Anthony', who understands her heart's deepest desires. Will he be the one to slay the dragons in Ann's life and save her?
人际关系很差的安安(纪培慧饰演),高中毕业后拒绝考大学,便在妈妈(陆奕静饰演)经营的杂货店顾店,过着平淡简单的生活。安安相当怀念过世的爸爸,因为讲话过度直接的她,很容易触怒控制欲强却不懂安安内心世界,甚至忽略安安可能是亚思柏格病患的妈妈。   为了减少和妈妈吵架,安安把自己关在厕所里面,渐渐变成了耽溺在偶像剧和少女漫画的沉默少女,梦幻的她还觉得自己就像剧中女主角,总有一天会被英俊的王子带走,离开讨人厌的一切…   平时安安能见到的人,除了妈妈新交的男友章叔叔,就是附近洗衣店老板的女儿小美(张诗盈饰演)。因为小美在「爱情城堡」网站里找到了她的王子,安安决定学小美也在爱情城堡设立帐户,就这样的,安安认识了陌生网友安东尼。安东尼帅气的样子好像偶像剧男主角,他不但称赞安安漂亮,对她嘘寒问暖,还会派小弟罐子(黄河饰演)送礼物过来给安安……
