理查三世Richard III(2016)

又名:空王冠:玫瑰战争3 / The Hollow Crown: The Wars Of The Roses 3


主演:本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 朱迪·丹奇 凯莉·霍威 本·丹尼尔斯  

导演:多米尼克·库克 编剧:本·鲍尔 Ben Power





Plot Summary:Ten years after Henry's death Edward is taken fatally ill, speeding Richard's disposal of their brother George, Duke of Clarence. Made regent to Edward's young son, also Edward, Richard is cursed by the vengeful Margaret of Anjou but nonetheless embarks on a ruthless policy to acquire the crown, disposing of cousins Rivers and Grey and engineering the deaths of the young prince and his brother . This final act loses him the support of his former ally Buckingham, who also comes to an untimely end. Richard is declared king with the widowed lady Anne as his reluctant queen but there are many in the realm seeking to depose him, notably young Henry Tudor, who will meet with Richard at the decisive battle of Bosworth Field.
