
又名:不好意思,我们明天要结婚 / Love is no Where, Love is Now Here

主演:西内玛利亚 山村隆太 山崎育三郎 中村安奈 岸井雪乃 森田甘 

导演:并木道子 编剧:山室有纪子 Yukiko Yamamuro/仓光泰子 Yasuko Kuramitsu



Plot Summary:Takanashi Asuka is an office lady working for a big bank. She has a number of financial qualifications and is the most dedicated worker. Despite the trend to marry later today, Asuka's dream is to get married and become a housewife. However, her boyfriend of 5 years proposed, then suddenly dumped her. So a depressed Asuka has to start looking for a marriage partner even though she does not have the time. She meets a handsome, popular TV announcer Nanami Ryu who is one of those rapidly increasing numbers of men who loathe marriage. He would be the ideal man for Asuka if he were not dead set against settling down. Although they eventually end up dating, they have a rocky path ahead of them.
高梨明日香(西内玛利亚 饰)毫无疑问是职场上的女强人,在银行工作的她总是能够出色的完成上司交代给她的任务,是一个走在社会前沿的独立的白领一族。但在内心深处,明日香的梦想却是辞职结婚然后成为一名全职家庭主妇,她向往那种柴米油盐热气腾腾的平静生活,哪知道交往了五年的男友忽然提出分手,为了能够早日实现梦想,明日香决定去相亲。   某日,明日香邂逅了名为波龙(山村隆太 饰)的男子,波龙是一位人气极高的男主播,样貌英俊谈吐优雅的他无疑是明日香心目中的理想对象,但糟糕的是,波龙是一个彻头彻尾的不婚主义者。面对这块完美但难啃的“硬骨头”,明日香是该打持久战还是选择退缩呢?
