

主演:宋轶 普提查·克瑟辛 彦希 奥兰多·布鲁姆 种丹妮 韩雪  

导演:杨磊 编剧:杨磊 Lei Yang/张炭 Cheung Tan/徐照青 Zhaoqing Xu/我是YT





Plot Summary:Su Cheng a kind and tenacious girl with a dream of becoming an actress in honor of her mother. She joins a talent competition with her best friend following the loss of her job an an assistant after the actress he assisted gets fired. She is signed to Star Entertainment, run by Duan Cheng Xuan, a proud and domineering man with a fear of intimacy that present itself with allergy like symptoms. Su Cheng gradually works up the entertainment industry's ladder with the help of Duan Cheng Xuan. She gradually becomes one of the most sought after actresses in the entertainment industry, but not without having to overcome many adversities. She is constantly bumping heads with Duan Cheng Xuan; her best friend, Liu Meng Tian, becomes her greatest rival; and her kindness and success is dislike by many of her colleagues.
一直以来,大学女生苏橙(宋轶 饰)都默默的喜欢着名为言楚非(言希 饰)的小明星。为了能够更加接近心爱的人,苏橙选择成为了艺人助理,就此进入了声色犬马的演艺圈。在一场选秀活动中,苏橙大获成功,最终成为了段承轩(普提查·克瑟辛 Puttichai Kasetsin 饰)公司旗下的艺人,走上了演艺之路。   在经纪人段凌薇(韩雪 饰)的帮助下,苏橙初露头角,并且终于让言楚非注意到了她的存在。然而好景不长,一连串意外的发生让苏橙的生活和事业均跌落到了谷底,然而她并没有气馁,而是展现出了坚韧不屈的一面,最终凭借着努力证明了自己的实力,亦吸引了段承轩的注意。
