野草莓Les fraises des bois(2012)


主演:Juliette Damiens Julien Lamber 

导演:多米尼克·舒瓦西 编剧:Dominique Choisy





Plot Summary:Violette, a shy, frustrated girl lives in the country with her sleazy parents, wealthy Picardie land owners. She is exasperated, crazy, logical. Gabriel works as a cashier in a supermarket. He is a funny guy: during the day, he is hardly noticed behind his checkout. But, at night, he becomes desirable for some customers, old regulars or couples seeking new sex. On the face of it, both of these two young people appear to have led ordinary lives without incident, and yet they both have dark secrets and a yearning to escape from their stifling present reality. She and he meet, discover and support each other.
