奥斯汀与艾丽 第二季Austin & Ally(2012)

主演:罗斯·林奇 劳拉·马兰洛 Calum Worthy 莱妮·罗 

导演:Shelley Jensen 编剧:Kevin Kopelow/Heath Seifert

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奥斯汀与艾丽 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The head of Austin's record company invites Team Austin to a Halloween Party at an allegedly haunted mansion, and gives him the opportunity to sing a duet with a famous female pop-country singer. But when Dez's new ghost-hunting obsession puts that singer temporarily out of commission, it forces Ally to do something she has been afraid to do for quite a while.
奥斯汀(Austin Moon)是一名有着明星梦的男孩,有着明星架势和歌喉。艾莉(Ally Dawson)是一名内向的女孩,喜欢音乐创作,却畏惧舞台。在一个偶然的契机下,歌手奥斯汀唱了艾莉的创作,开启了两人的合作生涯,艾莉于是开始替奥斯汀写歌。两人合组乐团,往自己的音乐梦迈进。一路上过关斩将发生了各种趣事。当然还有他们各自的朋友翠西(Trish)与德兹(Dez)为其出谋划策。这四个好朋友之间又会闹出什么笑话来?
