失忆煽动WIXOSSLostorage incited WIXOSS(2016)

主演:桥本千波 井口裕香 伊藤静 金元寿子 井泽诗织 久保由利香  

导演:樱美胜志 笠井贤一 佐山圣子 桥本敏一 森义博 筱原正宽 小野田雄亮 编剧:土屋理敬 Michihiro Tsuchiya




Plot Summary:High school student Homura Suzuko has returned to Ikebukuro, the town where she grew up. "We're friends forever!" She treasures her memories of her old friend from when she was little, Morikawa Chinatsu, and she's excited at the prospect of meeting her again. But when she gets to school, she finds she has trouble fitting in with the rest of the class. One day, she decides that if she learns to play the card game WIXOSS, she might be able to make some friends. She stops at a card shop on her way home and buys a deck set. When she takes the set home and opens it, the girl on one of the cards begins to move, and speak. "Welcome, Selector." Humans chosen as Selectors must battle for control of the five coins that hold all their memories. If they can retake all the coins, they win, and can leave the game. But if they lose, as a penalty. "Lostorage" What will become of Suzuko as she's caught up in this insane game? And just like Suzuko, Chinatsu finds herself drawn into the game as well...
穗村玲子(桥本千波 配音)是一名个性稍微有些内向的女高中生,在转学去了新的学校之后,玲子发现自己的性格导致自己久久无法融入班级圈子里,感到稍稍有些孤独。最近班上流行着名为“WIXOSS”的卡牌游戏,玲子希望以此为契机能够拉近自己和同学们之间的距离,于是走进商店买了一组卡牌。   让玲子没有想到的是,在打开卡牌的一瞬间,牌面上的立绘少女莉露(伊藤静 配音)动了起来,原来,玲子被卷入了一个以记忆为赌注的游戏之中。她的全部记忆被浓缩封印到了五枚硬币之中,这就是她手上的全部筹码,玲子要利用这五枚硬币和其他的参与者进行对决,如果失败了,她将会失去所有的记忆。
