Plot Summary:It started with a bickering. Then it became more heated. When Kongpob, a first year student at the Faculty of Engineering and Arthit, a third year at the same faculty meet each other, they were just a junior and a senior. Then, they continued as rivals. Next, they started off as friends. But last, they were more than they ever thought they would be...
在泰国,大多数大学都有新生欢迎活动,但对于部分大学新生来说,这并不是一件令人期待的事。因为在少数高校,高年级学生会借机“欺负”,甚至是“羞辱”新生,而“欺负”的传统呢。 其实源自所谓的论资排辈传统联合精神,英文简称为SOTUS(Seniority Order Tradition Union Spirit的缩写)。 故事就发生在严格秉承SOTUS精神的工程学院新生欢迎仪式上。 “Kongphop” 一个不愿屈服在不平等规定之下,敢对SOTUS说不的桀骜不驯的一年新生,在欢迎仪式上公开叫嚣负责新生接待工作的大当家,大三学长Arthit。 在两人的徽章之战中,Kongphop对学长Arthit使出了蜜汁表白这一大招,最后完胜。 而霸道学长与基智学弟之间的故事会如何发展,他们二人又会擦出怎么样的基情火花呢.