
主演:Rick Green 

导演:Gregg Thurlbeck 编剧:Rick Green/Mark Askwith





Plot Summary:Frightened by the problems in the world, Rick Greene decides to escape Earth by attaching a rocket to his car and launches into space. The only thing that saves his life in this lame-brain scheme is that he promptly rams into a space station and is able to settle into the complex. Stuck there, Commander Rick decides to devote his time to exploring the only mediums that seem to deal with the real issues of the day, Science Fiction/Fantasy literature and comic books. In this show, Rick interviews a wide variety of writers and comic book talents about their work and how it relates to particular artistic, political and philosophic themes.
这部制作预算极低的加拿大电视剧或许是有史以来最为“极客”的一部电视剧。该片主要讲述了对现实世界沮丧不已的男主人公为了前往自己的“避难所”(一颗轨道卫星)而建造火箭,并在自己余生不断采访科技界、喜剧届优秀人士的故事。在这部片子中,瑞克博士(Dr. Rick)为人们指明了一条实现自己远大梦想的道路。
