Plot Summary:Toshiyuki Tanishi (Mr Tanishi) is a 29-year-old chronic masturbator and toy vending machine salesman - he is socially awkward and down on his luck. Things change when he meets Chiharu a pretty woman who might actually be into him. Unfortunately, he has competition for Chiharu's affection from handsome, rival vending salesman Aoyama.
Petra Wähning, Werner und Martina Haase, Gi-Man Jeong, Ji-Young Moon, Dong-Joung Yim, Keum-Soon Kwak, Tae-Soo Yoon, Niko Paech, Frieda, Vanja und Stefan Salzmann, Helen Ruppert, Sabina Keller, Ulrike Herrmann, Richard Muyej Mangeze, Laura Gerritsen, Gérard