流氓医生닥터 깽(2006)

又名:Dr. Gang

主演:杨东根 韩佳人 金惠玉 李钟赫 

导演:朴圣洙 编剧:金圭浣





Plot Summary:Kang Dal Go, a mid-level member of a Busan gang, gets kicked out of the gang after being investigated by the police and is forced to flee for his life. Hiding out in Seoul, he gets himself hired as a doctor at a nearby hospital, where he quickly clashes with Kim Yoo Na, a dedicated and outspoken doctor who criticizes his incompetence and lack of care. Gradually, however, the former gang member and the beautiful physician begin to fall in love in the midst of their clashes, to the dismay of prosecutor Suk Hee Jung who is also pursuing Yoo Na.
被组织追杀的男人---姜达皓。他只想着怎样活下去。这样的一个人阴错阳差地变成了假医生,如果被暴露,他就没命了。   不容许一点虚假的炸弹公主---金幼娜。她想方设法要揭开他的假面目,但是越了解,对这个男人的感情越奇妙起来。通过这个男人,她学会了怎样克服悲伤的办法。
