梦幻宝石 第一季The Dream Stone(1990)

主演:约翰·福兰克林·罗宾斯 Nancy Hendry Jacki 

导演:Michael Jupp 编剧:Michael Jupp

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梦幻宝石 第一季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Somewhere in the universe is a planet only visible to those who believe in it. On the sunny side lives the Old Dreammaker, guardian of the most precious and powerful thing in the world - the Dreamstone. Every night he uses it to send out dreams to the world, assisted by Albert his watchhdog-fish, and two Noops, Rufus and Amberley. On the dark side of the planet dwells the huge and terrible Zordrak, Lord of Nightmares, hatching his evil plots to steal the Dreamstone so that nightmares may rule. Zordrak is protected by his army of Urpneys - led by Sergeant Blob - whose every thought is directed towards pleasing their master.
