Plot Summary:Dimension Police top agent Ai (Nao Nagasawa) travels to a parallel dimension to catch a criminal from a different world. When she is about to catch the criminal, her former partner Yui (Ayumi Kinoshita) appears. Yui is now a member of the terrorist organization "Dauto". Haruka (Yuko Takayama), who possesses psychic powers, becomes the target of "Dauto". In order to protect Haruka, Ai travels to a "fairy" world. There Ai meets Yui again.
i is a Dimensional Police officer who jumps into "Retro World" (レトロワールド, Retoro Wārudo) to hunt down the criminal organization "Doubt" (ダウト, Dauto). There, she faces off against her former partner Yui, who now works for Doubt.