祝我生日快乐Happy Birthday to Me(1981)


主演:梅丽莎·苏·安德森 格伦·福特 

导演:J·李·汤普森 编剧:John C.W. Saxton/彼得·乔宾 Peter Jobin/Timothy Bond





Plot Summary:Virginia Wainwright is a spirited young woman who has returned to a private school having survived a deadly accident and regenerative brain surgery. She is proud that she belongs to the Top Ten - the school's inner circle with the best students - and attempts to resume a normal life. But her friends are falling prey to a grueling series of murders, and soon there will be no one left to attend her 18th birthday party. Could it be her? Striving to rekindle the memory of her nightmarish accident, Virginia suffers from memory loss and traumatic blackouts. We soon learn the horrible truth behind her accident and what is going on before her birthday party...
薇吉娜(梅丽莎·苏·安德森 Melissa Sue Anderson 饰)就读于一所贵族学校之中,加入了学校里的一个小团体。这些有钱人家的小孩进入学校根本就不是来好好读书的,整天吃喝玩乐胡作非为,尚不懂事的薇吉娜只想尽快的能够融入这个团体,并没有想到他们所做的事情是多么的危险和荒唐。   薇吉娜18岁的生日很快就要到了,她打算召开一个盛大的派对,可是,当她想要邀请自己的同学们时,却发现她们一个接着一个的不见了踪影,这让薇吉娜非常的担心。因为曾经,薇吉娜在一场意外中大脑受伤,因此接受了大脑移植手术,她一直怀疑自己的脑袋里隐藏这一个嗜血的杀手。
