Beyond the Expedition: Running the Sahara(2008)



导演:Michael Rosen 

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Beyond the Expedition: Running the Sahara:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:As three ultra-athletes attempt to run across the Sahara desert, 4500 miles, two marathons a day, for more than 111 days, they will face the most extreme conditions on earth. To support this history-making journey, a 30-person expedition begin with the runners on the west coast of Africa, with the goal of hauling vehicles, food, water, supplies, and equipment across six diverse countries of Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Libya, and Egypt. Striking images of modern Africa are seen as the expedition battles extreme temperatures, millions of mosquitoes, sand storms, dehydration, fatigue, and injury. Vehicles get stuck, equipment confiscated by military, and team members get lost. Their efforts are a test of the human spirit.
