
又名:My Beautiful Life

主演:黄海波 马苏 李明启 李坤霖 舒耀瑄 张芝华 柏寒 杜薇  

导演:汪俊 编剧:王丽萍 Liping Wang



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 [我的美丽人生][27集][都市情感剧][2010][HDTV-MKV(A720P)]



Plot Summary:This drama tells a story about Wang Xiaozao, a country girl who works in the city as a housekeeper. Although suffering various prejudice and frustration, she remains strong and optimistic. Thanks to her diligence, she successfully establishes her own housekeeping company in the city. Meanwhile, she also gains a beautiful love. It is a realistic portrayal of common people. With migrant workers in metropolis as the focus, this drama, which discusses the success of a small potato, is close to life, reality and common people. It tells people that dream is not a luxury, and we should learn from people who strive for their dreams with great respect. Moreover, it leads young people to the right direction-sticking to one's dream and working in a down-to-earth approach. The drama is realistic and romantic. Although it is about small potatoes, the story emphasizes on their happy lives in a humorous and positive atmosphere.
农村老太太吴巧保(李明启 饰)一生坎坷,丈夫早年工伤身亡,她在城里做保姆,任劳任怨,含辛茹苦将儿子金波(黄海波 饰)培养成人。金波大学毕业,成为一名服装设计师,这令巧保无比自豪,也因此对儿媳妇的选择上愈加谨慎和挑剔。   种种机缘,让在城里打拼的金波结识了同样来自农村的小保姆王小早(马苏 饰)。两人从磕磕绊绊到互相欣赏,慢慢确立了情侣关系。不久,因老雇主的急切召唤,吴巧保匆忙赶到城里,却发现儿子没有找一个城里姑娘为伴,反而和小保姆谈起了恋爱。这令她无论如何都难以接受,于是想方设法阻止儿子这段“荒唐的”爱情……
